Sewing Teacher Instructs Girls on how to Make their Own Repairs, Create their own Masterpieces

Sewing Teacher Instructs Girls on how to Make their Own Repairs, Create their own Masterpieces

By Yehudit Garmaise

Instead of running to a seamstress every time a skirt’s hem needs to be repaired or a dress needs an alteration, why not learn how to do the work yourself?

On Sunday, Nov. 13, Ruchy Weiss is launching her newest sewing class in Boro Park: for girls, ages 10 to 14 years old. 

The class runs for eight weeks and consists of two-hour sessions in a fun and kid-friendly environment.

Mrs. Weiss, who has been sewing since she was a child, first learned from her mother who sewed her children’s Purim costumes and repaired her family’s clothing.

Now Mrs. Weiss wants to teach the next generation how to construct their own creations and do their own repairs.

Starting with hand-sewing with a needle and thread, Weiss’s students learn how to affix buttons, hook-and-eye closures, and snaps.

Afterward, the girls get to sit at sewing machines where they learn the basics.

While Mrs. Weiss provides sewing machines for the girls, she recommends that her students have sewing machines at home for practicing their skills.

“The girls definitely learn how to hem, but they also learn to play around a little,” Mrs. Weiss told BoroPark24. “Girls who learn the basic skills can apply them on their own.”

After the students in one class learned how to construct duffle bags with material that they picked out themselves, the following week, one student proudly brought in a mini-duffle bag that she had made at home for her doll.

Although Mrs. Weiss took a sewing class to supplement what she learned at home, she said that people who are interested in sewing don’t need extensive training.

“I just learned the basics, and then I kept picking up skills and ideas as I went along,” said Mrs. Weiss, who added that her students’ mothers always report that their daughters love the classes and cannot wait to return the following week.  

To buy colorful and beautiful fabrics and a few other inexpensive sewing supplies required for the class, Mrs. Weiss recommends that her students head to Katz’s at 11th Avenue and 45th Street or Kahn’s at 18th Avenue and 62nd Street.

For more information, please call Mrs. Weiss at (347) 675-4574.

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