Senator Felder Warns, “Don’t Get Arrested!”

Senator Felder Warns, “Don’t Get Arrested!”

After state Sen. Simcha Felder’s office was deluged with calls of frantic constituents whose loved ones have been arrested and locked up after they were caught driving with suspended licenses, he co-sponsored a new law to provide some relief.

Thanks to Sen. Felder, now the NY Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has abolished the state’s $70 suspension lift fee and offers affordable payment plans.

Boro Parkers who worry they might be driving with suspended licenses should not despair, but rather, residents should check the statuses of their licenses, said Sen. Felder, who is providing a special initiative in which constituents can have their license statuses checked with the NY state DMV by calling Sen. Felder’s office at (718) 253-2015 or by e-mailing and providing their names, addresses, dates of birth, and driver license numbers.

Drivers can also check the statuses of their licenses online at 

“Summer after summer, my office gets dozens of calls from people whose loved ones have been arrested and locked up for driving with suspended licenses,” said Sen. Felder. “At that point, there is no choice but to endure the stress and expense of going through the legal system. 

“But all of it can be avoided entirely if you just check to see whether you are ‘Safe to Drive’ with one phone call to my office today!” 

“Don’t be caught unaware! 

“Anyone pulled over for a minor traffic violation and found to have a suspended license gets arrested for unlicensed operating of a vehicle.

“Wherever you plan to go this summer, it only takes one phone call to drive there with peace of mind.”    

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