Say Hello To NYC’s New Chicks

By Idy Perl
NYC recently welcomes three new… peregrine falcons!
The MTA has a special nest set up at the top of a 693-foot-tall tower on the Verrazzano Bridge for peregrine falcons, who tend to make their nests up high to be able to search for prey. Peregrine falcons are endangered in New York, which is why the MTA has set up a nest for them to safely hatch new chicks.
Every year officers check the nest at the end of May, which is their hatching season, to check in on the new chicks and put identifying tags on them so that officials can know how many peregrines there are and be able to track them in case they get sick.
A few days ago, officials announced that they tagged three new falcon chicks who are around three weeks old.
Mazel tov!
Photos: Marc A. Hermann / MTA