Satmar Rebbes Speak With Each Other to Hear Updates on Family Members

The Satmar Rebbe from Williamsburg, Rabbi Zalmen Leib Teitelbaum has reached out to his older brother, Rabbi Ahron Teitelbaum, the Satmar Rebbe from Kiryas Joel, on Sunday night to ask about his wife’s condition, after the Satmar Rebetzin from Kiryas Joel, Rebetzin Sosha Teitelbaum has been in serious condition after contracting COVID-19. Her condition has improved over recent days, but people are urged to continue praying.
The two brothers shared a few moments on the phone call, as Reb Zalmen Leib also updated his older brother about the condition of their brother, the Zenta Ruv, Reb Lipa Teitelbaum. Reb Lipa is reportedly in very serious condition as people continue to pray for a Refuah Shleima.
Please Continue to daven for Sosha Bas Lieh Ester and Chananya Yom Tov Lipa Ben Pesel Lieh