Sanzer Ruv of America Spending Purim Days with Community in Boro Park-Monsey

By: Yehuda Alter
One the heels of previous visits this year by the son of the Sanzer Rebbe, who appointed him as the Ruv of all the Sanzer communities in the United States, he is spending these days in America dispensing chizuk to these communities over the Purim days.
He arrived in America last Monday, in time to grace the dais of the dinner benefitting the Monsey yeshiva last Wednesday. Shabbos Zachor was spent in Lakewood, with a hachnosas sefer Torah the following day.
Purim night and morning, the Ruv will spend in Monsey, where he will lain the megillah, as per the tradition of his ancestors. From 4:00, he will be in Boro Park, where a tish will take place later in the day.
Shabbos will be in Monsey, and a Shushan Purim tish will take place on Motzei Shabbos in Williamsburg—concluding days packed with spirit, joy, and elevation for the Sanzer chassidim in America.