Sample New Wines Tonight and Tomorrow at Free Wine Tasting at Yaayin

By Yehudit Garmaise
Looking to stock up on wine for Yom Tov? Customers are invited to stop by Yaayin at Grand Wine Tasting at 5108 12th Ave. tonight at 7pm and tomorrow until an hour before Shabbos to make a few l’chaims and check out the newest kosher wines.
Yaayin, which Chaim Baruch Schonberger, of Boro Park, opened in May, boasts a huge selection of a variety of fine kosher wines.
Yom Tov is right around the corner,” Chaim said. “We are all looking forward to a new and happy year. Perek Kuf Dalet in Tehillim tells us, “v’yaayin ysmach l’vav enosh,” which means that wine gladdens the hearts of a person.”
People should get to know the many kosher wines that are available, Chaim said.
“Come and try a few new wines tonight and tomorrow,” he said.