Rosh Yeshiva Hagoen Reb Shaul Alter to Visit America

By Y.M. Lowy
The esteemed Rosh Yeshiva Hagoen Reb Shaul Alter is preparing to embark on a journey to America. The purpose of this visit is to raise support for the Bais Medrash Pnei Menachem in Yerushalayim.
Following Shabbos Parshas Yisro, the Rosh Yeshiva will depart from his Yerushalayim home, heading toward America.
The journey, scheduled during the weeks of Parshas Mishpatim and Terumah, will include visits to several cities across the United States: a two-day stay in Los Angeles, a one-day visit to Boro Park, an unprecedented Shabbos in Lakewood, and a two-day visit to Baltimore, Maryland.
He is expected to return home on Tuesday, Parshas Terumah.
It is worth noting that the Rosh Yeshiva has received a personal invitation from President Donald Trump. According to some reports, his visit to the United States will also serve this opportunity.