Roadway Outdoor Dining Season Comes To An End

By Idy Perl
November 29 and Will Resume April 1; Sidewalk Dining Stays Open All Year
NYC DOT Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez is reminding all food businesses that this Friday, November 29th, is the last day to remove all outdoor dining setups from the roadways. Although the sidewalk dining program remains open all year round, roadway dining is only open from April 1st until November 29th, as per legislation passed by the NYC Council.
Businesses that fail to remove all dining furniture and equipment from the roadways by Friday will be fined up to $1,000.
“New Yorkers came to enjoy outdoor dining during the pandemic and Dining Out NYC has made it a permanent, vibrant part of our streets,” NYC DOT Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez said. “As the season for outdoor dining in our roadways draws to a close on November 29, I urge all businesses to act now and remove their setups to avoid costly violations.”