Road Closures Announced Ahead of the Satmar Chasunah in Boro Park

By Y.M. Lowy
As preparations are underway for the highly anticipated wedding the coming Monday of the Satmar Rebbe’s grandchild, shlit”a, significant logistical planning is in progress.
The kallah is the daughter of the Rebbe’s son, the Siget Rav, shlit”a. The Kabbalas Panim is set to take place in the spacious Beis Medrash on 52nd Street, followed by the chuppah outdoors on 14th Avenue at the corner of 52nd Street.
Given the grand scale of the event and the outdoor chuppah, Askanim are working closely with the NYPD to arrange no-parking zones around the hall to ensure smooth traffic flow and safety for attendees.
Road closures will be on 52ndStreet between 13th and 14th Avenue, and on 37th Street between 12th and 13th Avenue.
Further updates will be provided on BoroPark24 as plans are finalized.