Renovated Viznitzer Shul Unveiled

YS Gold
The scaffolding has finally come down from in front of the Khal Toras Chaim, the Viznitzer Beis Medrash on 53rd Street and New Utrecht.
The beis medrash is led by the Viznitzer Rebbe of Boro Park, a grandson of the Toras Mordechai of Viznitz Monsey.
The Rebbe assumed the leadership of the kehillah here following the untimely passing of his father, Rav Pinchos Sholom, who was niftar during the lifetime of his father, the Rebbe. The Shul is a true center of varemkeit and inspiration for the chassidim and for the entire neighborhood and the chassidus in Boro Park has continued to grow in recent years with more space was needed in order to accommodate them.
The Kehillah has undertaken a renovation project inside and outside the building, and it has now been completed in advance of the yomim nora’im which are just around the corner.