*REFRESH* Live Report and Photo Gallery: Levaye of the Kosov Rebbe Zt"l

Update 4:15pm:
The Levaye and Kevurah has concluded.
Update 3:45pm:
The rain stopped and Kevurah has started.
Update 3:20pm:
In the heavy downpour and storm in the area, thousands have just arrived at the Viznitz Beis Hachaim for Kevurah.
Update 2:55pm:
The Mitah is heading no towards RT-306 escorted by thousands in tears.
Update 2:35pm:
The Mitah arrived at the Viznitz Shul where tens of thousands awaited its arrival.
Update 1:50pm:
The Mitah arrived now in Chesnut Ridge where the Satmar and Skver Rebbes awaited its arrival.
Update 12:00pm:
The Levaye have now concluded, and thousands upon thousands are now escorting the Rebbe zt"l on his final journey, heading towards 12th Ave.
Update 11:55am:
In an interesting turn of events, the eldest son, Harav Yakov Shamshon, just announced that he is giving over his position as Kossover Rebbe to his younger brother, Harav Menachem Mendel Duvid.
Update 11:51am:
The oldest son, the newly-crowned Kossov Rebbe, is speaking now at the Levaye.
Update 11:44am:
It was just announced at the levaye that the Rebbe's two oldest sons will take over his position as Kossover Rebbe. The oldest son, Harav Yakov Shamshon, will serve as Kossover Rebbe in Boro Park, while the second son, Harav Menachem Mendel Duvid, will serve as Kossover Rebbe in Eretz Yisroel.
Update 11:20am:
Harav Chaim Hager from Zolichik, brother of the Rebbe zt"l, is speaking now at the Levaye.
Update 11:08am:
Hakafos are now being conducted in the Bhm"d as thousands gather outside on 55th Street.
Update 10:55am:
The Mitah is now in Bhm"d as hundreds are gathered in tears reciting Tehilem.
Update 10:42am:
The levaye is set to start shortly.
As per the minhag in Viznitz, no hespedim will be recited, and the levaye will be brief.
Update 10:30am:
The Mitah just finished the Tahare in Viznitz, and will be carried now to the Rebbe's house where the family is gathered.
Then, it will go to the Kosov-Zolochik Shul and then to the Kosov Shul for the Levaye.
Update Sunday 9:45am:
The local streets around the Bhm"d are currently being closed off for traffic as tens of thousands are expected to attend the Levaye.
Last minute preparations are made in and outside the shul.
Update 12:10am:
The Mitah is now in the Rebbe's Bhm"d where hundreds are gathered in mourning their beloved Rebbe zt"l.
Tomorrow 8:30am, the Tahare will take place in the Viznitz Shul on 53rd Street.
At around 10:45 the Mitah will be brought into the new Kosov Shul currently under construction for the Levaye.
There will be no Hespeidem at the Levaye.
Update Motze Shabbos 10:21pm:
The Levaye of the Kosov Rebbe will take place 11:00am at his Shul 1355-55th St.
Another Levaye and Kevurah will take place at 12:45pm at the Viznitz Bhm"d in Monsey heading to the Viznitz Beis Hachaim.