Readers Write: Can They Please Do Their Job and Clean Up After Themselves?

Readers Write: Can They Please Do Their Job and Clean Up After Themselves?

I am issuing an invitation to our mayor to come to and see what the streets look like by following behind the sanitation trucks and watching them do their job in their own way. Watch as the workers throw the garbage bags into the truck, and if they miss the target due to their ineptitude and lack of effort, it all stays on the street, pouring out from trash bags that were not carefully handled. 

Following the sanitation trucks, the mayor will find an enforcement vehicle dishing out summonses that are a result of the garbage men’s poor aim as their trucks lumber down the street, leaving the spills on the ground in the summer sun, resulting in an overwhelming stench and a pile of garbage that is the clarion call inviting the rats to come feed. 

Perhaps after seeing our trash collectors in action, the mayor will change his tune about presuming that the rats have a preference for the food in the trash that is put out before 8 p.m. and not what comes off the garbage trucks. Seems he presumes that the rats in this neighborhood are particular and only eat fresh food.

All I can say – is follow your nose. In this case, it can’t miss. 

Avrumel Kleinman, Boro Park.

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