Rachmastrivka Rebbes Meet to Discuss Beis Hachaim in Monsey

By BoroPark24 Staff
Yesterday afternoon, a big meeting took place at the home of the late Rachmastrivka Rebbe zt”l in Boro Park where all of his sons, the current Rachmastrivka Rebbes, were in attendance.
The primary focus of the meeting was a substantial property in the Har Shulem cemetery, surrounding the tzion of the late Rachmastrivka Rebbe zt”l.
The property, purchased a few years ago by the Rachmastrivka kehila, is now under discussion for its future development. The meeting addressed the strategies and systems for selling plots around the tzion.
A major campaign is set to launch in the near future, allowing Rachmastrivka chasidim to buy plots for themselves.