Rachmastrivka Rebbe To Spend Shabbos in New Square

Yitzy Gold
This Shabbos, the Rachmastrivka Rebbe will spend Shabbos in the village of New Square in honor of the Sheva brochos of his grandson. This is the first simcha in the Rebbe’s court since his ascension to the leadership of the Rachmastrivka chassidus.
The kallah is the eldest great-grandchild of the Skverer Rebbe, shlit”a.
The Rachmastrivka Rebbe is no stranger to the streets of Skver; he was born and raised in the shtetl—his father having been a son-in-law of the previous skverer Rebbe.
He will lead his own tisch for his chassidim on Friday night in one of the buildings of the mosdos in Skver, after which he will join the tisch of his uncle, the Skverer Rebbe.
The Rebbe will stay at the home of his brother, the Rachmastrivka Rebbe of Monsey who resides in Skver. The Monsey rebbe will stay home in honor of the simcha in the courts of the tzaddikim.