President Trump Appears in Public for the First Time since the Election to Honor Veterans

By Yehudit Garmaise
Solemnly standing under rainy, gray skies, President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence stood at Arlington Cemetery in Arlington, Va, this morning, to honor the many men and women who have served our country on Veterans’ Day.
As rain steadily fell, a uniformed solider played a slow and sad rendition of “Taps,” a military band played “The Star Spangled Banner,” and the president and Melania Trump ceremoniously laid down a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Veterans’ Day, is federal holiday on which America celebrates those who served honorably in the military, and government offices and other public institutions are closed. Although first named Veterans’ Day in 1954, the first Veteran’s Day was observed as “Armistice Day” in 1919, when Americans celebrated the end of World War I.
In honor of Veterans’ Day, some businesses offer veterans free meals, treats, and special discounts.
(Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)