President Biden and Senate Democrats Plan to Provide Fewer Relief Checks

By lowering Americans’ income eligibility from $100,000 to $80,000 a year, moderate senators and President Joe Biden struck a deal to provide fewer $1,400 checks to Americans.
Although the House of Representatives’ COVID-19 relief bill had promised hefty checks to Americans who report yearly earnings that are less than $100,000, Senate Democrats just lowered that income threshold to $80,000, NBC News reported.
While Americans who report incomes of $75,000 will receive their full federal stimulus payments, Americans who earn between $75,000 and $80,000 will receive smaller amounts.
Couples who earn combined incomes of up to $150,000 and who file their taxes jointly, will still receive $1,400. But rather than limiting payments to couples who earn more than $200,000, as the House bill did, the Senate bill will cut off payments to couples who earn less than a combined $160,000 a year.
Like the House bill, the Senate COVID relief bill will provide $400-per-week unemployment benefits.
The Democratic-controlled Senate is expected to proceed to the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill as early as Wednesday, with a final vote possible by the end of the week.
(Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)