Pre-High Holiday Meeting at Community Board 12 Addresses Key Topics with Local Officials and Organizations

By BoroPark24 Staff
In preparation for the upcoming High Holidays, a crucial community meeting was held at Community Board 12, bringing together key officials and representatives from various organizations.
Attendees included NYPD Deputy Chief Richie Taylor, officers from the NYPD, leaders from Hatzolah, Shomrim, Chaveirim, Misaskim, and several community askanim.
The discussions centered on critical issues such as sanitation schedules, enhanced police presence in the area during the holiday season, and especially around the first anniversary of October 7th, which has heightened security concerns. The collaborative effort aims to ensure smooth and safe celebrations for all residents, with a focus on maintaining public safety and managing the increased activity expected during the month of Tishrei.
During the meeting, an important reminder was shared, illustrating the city's simple sanitation laws with a real-life example: A Boro Park resident found himself in a tough spot after his car was towed for illegally dumping bulk garbage, including Sukkah panels, on a local street corner, after he decided to dispose of the material in an unauthorized location. The city's sanitation laws allow for cars used in illegal dumping to be towed, which is exactly what happened.
To avoid such trouble, especially during this time of year when residents tend to have more bulk garbage, it’s important to remember that scheduling a special bulk pickup is just a simple phone call away. Contacting Community Board 12 or the sanitation department ensures proper disposal and helps prevent hefty fines or the risk of losing your vehicle.