Police Will Crack Down on Unsafe Driving Over Thanksgiving Weekend

YS Gold
Thanksgiving is one of the year's busiest travel times, with so many people out on the country’s roads to be with family.
On Wednesday, Governor Hochul announced that traffic laws would be strongly enforced, especially during the extended weekend, and that there would be a crackdown on unsafe driving to ensure that drivers and passengers are safe on the roads.
The special traffic enforcement period runs through Sunday, November 26, and will focus on impaired and distracted driving, speeding, and the Move Over Law.
“The Thanksgiving holiday is one of the busiest travel times of the year, and our goal is to ensure that everyone gets where they need to go safely,” Governor Hochul said. “State Troopers and local law enforcement will be out in force working to prevent needless accidents. I urge drivers to follow the rules of the road and make safety your top priority while traveling this holiday season.”
Last year, more than 14,063 tickets were issued, and 213 people were arrested for DWI statewide during last year’s enforcement.
This news comes just as the New York State Thruway speed cameras went into effect.