Police Stand By Throughout the City, Watchful for Violent Protest

By Yehudit Garmaise
Although some New Yorkers were concerned about potential conflicts and chaos today and tonight on the culmination of an unusually contentious election, the NYPD, thankfully, are standing by throughout the city, ready to arrest anyone who protests in any way other than peacefully.
“I have no major incidents to report across the city, and we do not expect any as the day goes on,” said NYPD Chief Terence Monahan, who added that members of the NYPD have been posted at every polling location since before polls opened at 6am. “Lines are moving smoothly and safely. I want to thank the police for their continued professionalism.”
Chief Monahan provided friendly encouragement to anyone who has not yet voted, to “Get out and vote, and know that you will be safe doing so. As the night goes on, we will continue to have thousands of additional cops at the ready.”
Although Chief Monahan said that the NYPD is always ready to “facilitate peaceful protest,” he had a different message for anyone who might be planning anything that may, G-d forbid harm others.
“To anyone who wants to call for violence and destruction: Don’t even try it,” the police chief said with caution in his voice. “We know who you are. And you will be arrested.”
Chief Monahan asked that anyone out on the streets to help him to get the message out that anyone who is trying to cause chaos is not welcome.
“Don’t let [violent people] steal your message,” Chief Monahan said. “Separate from those agitators, and we will deal with them. New York’s finest is fully prepared to keep our city safe, and as we move forward.”
Chief Junita Holmes, who was just appointed NYPD’s chief of patrol this week, said that voter turnout today has been light to medium.
Holmes echoed Chief Monahan’s assessment that, “Everything looks good.”
The new NYPD chief of patrol, the first woman to hold the position, reassured New Yorkers that police officers will be out and on duty throughout the night and in the next couple of days.
“We have some of the finest, bravest men in this department that are out there supporting our democracy,” said Chief Holmes, who has said she has 16 family members who also serve in the NYPD, including her son, a brother, five sisters, and a nephew.
Holmes also acknowledged that people have the right to demonstrate peacefully, but she warned those who might try to “blend in and use the legit protestors for cover:
“We are here, and we are here to arrest you for any looting, burglary, assaulting anyone, or anything of that sort. That is what we are here for.”