Pinny Ringel Declares Victory in 48th District Leader Race

Pinny Ringel Declares Victory in 48th District Leader Race

By Yehudit Garmaise

With 99% of the votes counted for the position of district leader for District 48, Pinny Ringel, who previously served former Mayor Bill de Blasio, declared victory over incumbent David Schwartz, who was first elected in 2016 when he was 22 years old: the youngest candidate to ever serve as district leader.

Currently, Ringel has 48.63% of the vote, and Schwartz is trailing shortly behind with 44.87% of the district’s vote.

Results are unofficial until the Board of Election certifies the winners, although Ringel currently leads with 171 votes.

While total vote tallies will change slightly as additional absentee ballots are counted, the overall outcome of the race is unlikely to change.

“I want to thank the voters of the 48th Assembly District for electing me as their next district leader!” Ringel tweeted. “Congratulations to my opponent David Schwartz on a hard-fought race and for his past service to the community.”

Pinny Ringel

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