Pidyon Rashash: The Segulah that is guaranteed to bring your personal Yeshuah

As Reb Chaim Vital has said “this Segulah has brought Yeshuos thousands of times".
Early bird gift: Receive a unique Bais Hamikdash Ketores Segulah blend for success and protection.
Reb Chaim Vital who performed this renowned Pidyon for himself every year. writes in his Sefer (Pri Eitz Chaim) “Thousands of times this segulah has been tried and proven“.
While the Arizal revealed this powerful pidyon, it was the holy Rashash who instructed how to perform it, one should set aside 160 pure silver coins, and recite special Kabalistic Tefilos with pure Kavanos, and donate these coins to Talmidei Chachamim who are Moser Nefesh to learn Torah. through this Segulah, the person receives a Pidyon Nefesh (redemption of his soul) where all the judgment is transferred from the person to the coins and the person receives a new Tzelem Elokim.
The Sefer Shemen Sason writes that for whoever the Pidyon Rashash is performed will certainly live through the year.
This Segulah is particularly powerful after midnight. it is Mekubal that often time there are wonderful Hashpaos and Yeshuos waiting to come down, but we are not worthy of them, once the Pidyon Rashash is performed, one becomes pure, with a new Tzelem Elokim, clearing the path for the Hashpaos Tovos to descend, bringing all Refuos, Shidduchim, Nachas, Parnassah, etc. we desperately need.
Every year, on 10 Shvat, on the Yahrtzeit of the Rashash, the Kollel Chatzos Mekubalim perform this Segulah and distribute the coins amongst the Kollel learners. These Talmidei Chachamim, who sacrifice their nights for Torah, are most worthy to perform the Pidyon, for they truly personify Torah with Mesirus Nefesh, they recite the lengthy Tefilos individually for each supplicant, each Pidyon is performed individually for every name in the most Mehudar way and perform the Pidyon at the most opportune time after midnight.
Now try it for Yourself and your family! take advantage of this opportunity that will take place at the Tzion of the holy Tana Rabi Shimon Bar Yochai in Meron. Deadline on Thursday Night, February 6th at midnight.
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