Photo Gallery: Viznitz Chumash Seuda Draws Esteemed Admorim and Rabbanim

By BoroPark24 Staff
This past Sunday, the halls of Viznitz resonated with the presence of numerous Admoirim and Rabanim attending as honored guests at the Chumash Seudah, celebrating the young children's milestone.
The Viznitz Rebbe from Boro Park, whose leadership oversees the Moisdes, was accompanied by his uncles, the Viznitz Rebbes from Monsey and Yerushalayim.
A notable guest graced the occasion, the Viznitz Rebbe of Bnei Brak, currently in New York for fundraising efforts toward the new central shul of the kehila in Bnei Brak.
Among the distinguished guests were the Rebbe of Koson, Spinka, Spinka, Biksad, Bluzhev Ribatich, Mezbizh, Semihai, Ulam, Melitz Monsey, Aleksander, Mincha Chadasha, and numerous others who came to derive nachas from the younger generations continuing the Torah, ensuring its vibrant future for generations to come.
photos by: Issac Y./JDN