Photo Gallery: Torrential Rains Bring Flooding and Devastation Throughout Tri-State

by YS Gold
We have been pummeled by about five inches of rain between Friday afternoon and Sunday evening, due to a tropical storm that has positioned itself over our area.
The result has been devastating for many residents of these areas who have had to contend with flooded basement. Some have observed that there was less flooding in Boro Park than during similar storms of the past, because the DEP has cleared many drains just in recent weeks, allowing water to escape the way they were intended to.
No clearing, however, could prevent the flood of downed trees—many of them resulting in broad power outages.
Volunteers from all local Chesed organizations were out in force, trimming tree limbs, and clearing them out of the way so cars and pedestrians could get by. They were also on hand for hundreds of calls of flooded basements, and spend days and nights pumping water out of one basement after another.
While the difficult weather may have been inconvenient and uncomfortable for many, it brought to light once again the ahavas Yisroel and the care from one Yid for another.
photo credit: Hershy Rubinstein