Pfizer CEO Says Fourth Shot may Soon Be Needed To Combat Omicron

After Pfizer
released data from a study that shows that the new Omicron variant, which is
highly mutated, can lessen the effectiveness of the vaccine the pharmaceutical
company created with BioNTech, Anthony Bourla, Pfizer’s CEO, said that people
might need a fourth shot sooner than expected.
Meanwhile, the US Food and Drug Administration just authorized, for 16 and 17-year-olds,
Pfizer’s boosters, which Bourla said yesterday can increase antibody protection 25 times what
the initial two-doses can provide.
Just as the effectiveness of the two-shot vaccination series dropped significantly when faced with Omicron, however, results from an initial lab study done at Pfizer has scientists worrying that the new virus will eventually reduce the antibodies created by the third shot, as well.
Pfizer’s preliminary study was based on a synthetic, lab-based copy of the variant.
Scientists need
data from tests that show how vaccines perform against the actual virus to
gather more meaningful information, Bourla told CNBC.
With Omicron,
we need to wait and see because we have very little information,” Bourla said.
“We may need it faster.”
“When we see
real-world data, that will determine whether the Omicron is well-covered by the
third dose and how long,” said the Pfizer CEO, adding, “I think we will need a
fourth dose.”
Bourla has
previously said that he thought that a fourth shot would be needed 12 months
after vaccine recipients received their third doses, which as colder weather
and holiday gatherings increase, the Pfizer CEO said must continue to be
provided nationwide.
As people
socialize more indoors, public health officials are worried about a spike in
COVID infections.
“A third dose will give very good protection I believe,” said Bourla.
Right now, three vaccines can fight Omicron as effectively as two vaccines were able to fight COVID’s original strain, but for how long, no one is yet sure.
Photo: Flickr