NYPD Robot Subway Pilot Program Fails to Recharge

NYPD Robot Subway Pilot Program Fails to Recharge

by M.C. Millman

Months after announcing a pilot program aimed at keeping New York City subway riders safer as reported by BoroPark24 here the NYPD has discontinued its Knightscope's K5, robotic crime-fighting machine.

The robot was meant to cover its beat with an NYPD officer chaperoning at its side to act as a physical deterrent to crime while recording those who commit crimes for future prosecution while saving the NYPD money and resources.

"Eventually, this is going to be part of the fabric of our subway system," Mr. Adams said in a September press conference boasting about how the new robot only cost the city $9 an hour.

"This is below minimum wage. No bathroom breaks. No meal breaks. This is a good investment."

In April, when the robot was first announced, the mayor's office reported that the city had signed a seven-month contract with the company for the pilot program for $12,250. Included in the seven months was three months to set up the robot and four months to test it.

And while the K5 pilot program was greeted with much fanfare that included two media events, the retirement of the robot wasn't even mentioned when Police Commissioner Edward Caban gave his State of the Department address on Wednesday, as reported by BoroPark24 here, nor was it included in the video montage that included a review of all the technological gadgets used by the NYPD during 2023.

And while the robot might be repurposed at some point, no one is talking about where, when or how.

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