NYPD 66th Precinct Walk Out Sergeant Lane, who Retires after 38 Years

NYPD 66th Precinct Walk Out Sergeant Lane, who Retires after 38 Years

By Yehudit Garmaise

The 66th Precinct is respectfully walking out of its building Sergeant Dennis Lane, who has served in the NYPD for more than 38 years, Thursday.

Inspector Richie Taylor, who has known Sergeant Lane for 23 years, first met the retiree 17 years ago, when Taylor first volunteered with Hatzolah and worked with members of the 66th Precinct.

Taylor recounted that Lane was “always on the scene: making sure everyone was OK.”

Whenever there was a crisis in the community, Taylor reported, “Lane was always there with a common-sense approach: that is for sure.”

What struck Taylor the most about Lane, who had moved up through the ranks to attain the first supervisory rank of sergeant, was how intently he listens to others.

“Sergeant Lane always wanted to make sure things were going well for everyone,” Inspector Taylor said. “He always treated his cops and all people with respect.”

When Taylor was asked whether Lane will be missed, the inspector did not hesitate to say: “Big time.”

Motty Brauner, a coordinator for Boro Park Shomrim, also described Sergeant Lane “as a very calm and professional person.”

“He understood how to deal with every situation, and he was always very respectful to people,” said Brauner.

When Sergeant Lane first came to the 66th Precinct 20 years ago, Brauner remembered explaining to him “what Shomrim is and how they are here to help keep the Boro Park community safe” and how they forged a great working relationship.

“Whenever the community needed something from the NYPD, we would reach out to him, and whenever the police department needed to communicate with the community, Lane reached out to us as well.”

“Sergeant Lane’s retirement is a terrible loss for the Boro Park community,” said Brauner, adding that he hopes Lane’s replacement will have the same relationship with the community.

Photos by: Dovid Jaroslawicz

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