NYC To Provide Solar Panel Subsidies for Low-Income Residents

by YS Gold
According to a report by the Environment California Research and Policy Center, New York ranks sixth in the nation in total installed solar panels. When broken down by wattage per person derived from solar sources, however, New York falls dramatically, with only 40.3 watts per person per year.
But a program expected to be announced by Mayor Eric Adams today may boost the number of installations in the city. As part of a broader environmental agenda, the mayor is set to announce subsidies where low-income NYC residents will have solar panels installed at little to no cost. While the city will provide the first $1 million for this program, the administration hopes to tap into some of the $100 million allocated by the Biden Administration for environmental programs to help scale up the program.
The benefit of lower electricity bills will go to the homeowners, and could be more welcome in this city more than in other places, since electricity costs in New York City are 40% higher than the nationwide average.
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