NYC Speed Cameras Issue 70% More Tickets After 24/7 Operation Change

On August 1st, New York City speed cameras started operating 24-hours a day and 7-days a week, expanding on the Monday-Friday 6am to 10pm that operated till then. The expansion saw a significant increase in fines being issued to drivers, $50 each, for speeding through the cameras 10MPH or more above the posted speed limit.
According to data reported by StreetsBlog, from August 1 to August 21, the cameras issued 70% more fines, amounting to 513,777, roughly 211,000 more than the previous three weeks.
The expansion and more fines were hailed by the City’s Department of Transportation. “We anticipated an initial uptick in violations as we expanded hours of operation; we’ve seen reckless driving on the rise across the city during the pandemic and turning on speed cameras 24/7 is helping us hold drivers accountable,” said DOT spokesperson Vin Barone.
“These cameras save lives and, in previous expansion efforts, we’ve seen increases in violations followed by large declines.”
State Senator Andrew Gounardes, a co-sponsor of the bill to expand the camera’s operation, said “keeping our speed cameras on 24/7 has and will continue to make a difference in saving lives on our streets from reckless driving.”