NYC Has Distributed 100 Million Meals to Those in Need and Will Continue for As Long As Needed

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, more and more people are out of jobs and are unable to provide food for themselves and their families. While it is extremely sad it is also beautiful to watch as so many New Yorkers fight to make sure their neighbors are fed, Mayer Bill de Blasio said Tuesday.
“Think about it. This extraordinary city, as recently as February, was in its top economic state it had ever been in our history. Now we have over two million people who are experiencing food insecurity and need help. It’s shocking to see, it’s painful, but New York City has really rallied to the defense of our fellow New Yorkers who need food,” de Blasio said.
The city has distributed 100 million free meals to New Yorkers in need and the Mayor says he will continue the program for as long as it is needed.