NY Ranks Among Top Ten States with Worst Potholes, Boro Park has Many

NY Ranks Among Top Ten States with Worst Potholes, Boro Park has Many

By Yehudit Garmaise

New York has been ranked 10th in the nation by researchers who determined which states are afflicted with the worst potholes.

The LendingTree-affiliate QuoteWizard conducted the study that ranked Michigan, Indiana, and Rhode Island as the top three states that fail to repair potholes, but New Jersey came in at #7, and NY was not far behind at #10.

Pollsters said Delaware, Nebraska, and Wyoming are the states that have the fewest potholes, PIX 11 reported.

Now would be an ideal time for the city to get to work on pothole repair because in the winter and early spring, when temperatures change frequently, snow and ice melts and seeps into the pavement. 

Then, when the temperature drops again, the water refreezes and expands: cracking the road and opening up potholes.

Boro Park residents say that potholes plague the neighborhood’s streets. 

While drivers often are slowed down by tires that are ripped open by potholes, children and adults who ride bikes and scooters put their lives at risk when trying to ride down streets that might suddenly open up.

According to the study, people between the ages of 35 and 44 are at the highest risks for accidents that are caused by potholes.

Almost one-third of drivers in that age category said they have faced damages from potholes in the last year.

Erev Rosh Hashana, for instance, one Boro Park native in his late 20s, who was riding his scooter around 16th Avenue and 58th Street, said he, “flipped over a pothole, almost smashed my head open, and bruised up both of my feet.

“BH, I was able to get up and continue on my way.”

The Boro Park scooter rider was not wearing a helmet at the time of his accident, but he was sure to add, “I wear one now.”

While many Boro Park residents say that many potholes lurk around the  neighborhood, the potholes on the FDR Highway and the Belt Parkway make driving those roads particularly perilous.

BoroPark24 wrote to the city’s Department of Transportation (DOT) on Thursday to inquire as to whether it has any plans to fix BP’s potholes, and we will keep readers posted as to whether and how the DOT responds.

People who have previously encountered potholes also seem more likely to face the openings in the road again. 

Once your car has been damaged by a pothole, it’s likely to happen at least two more times in the next five years, the American Automobile Association reported.

AAA officials say the average repair bill associated with pothole mishaps costs drivers $306. 

How to minimize damage from potholes:

Make sure your tires are properly inflated.

Also make sure your tires’ tread grooves are deep enough.

When avoiding a pothole is not possible: slow down, keep your foot off the brake pedal, and try to straighten your wheel before impact.

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