NY Police to Issue $50 to $450 Tickets to Distracted Drivers

By Yehudit Garmaise
Drivers who speak on their cell phones without hands-free devices or text while driving, starting today, could face tickets that range from $50 to $450.
Distracts drivers also risk losing five driver violation points and suspension or revocation of their licenses, announced the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC), which said that from April 4 to April 11, statewide law enforcement will be stepping up patrols to crack down on distracted drivers to save lives.
“Distracted Driving continues to be a leading factor in motor vehicle crashes,” said New York State Police Superintendent Kevin P. Bruen, who explained the state’s new campaign that is called “U Drive. U Text. U Pay." “Yet, the deaths and injuries caused by distracted driving are 100% preventable.
“Drivers must be aware of their surroundings and consciously reduce distractions and behaviors that take their attention from the road.
“State police will continue to work toward making New York’s roads safer and we will hold distracted drivers accountable.”
In 2021, drivers’ inattention contributed to 107 fatal police-reported crashes in New York, according to data provided by the University of Albany’s Institute for Traffic Safety Management and Research.
To prevent unnecessary tragedies, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recommends the following safety tips for motorists:
• Drivers who must send or receive texts, should pull over to safe locations and park.
• Drivers have passengers should appoint a “designated texter” to handle all texting.
• Drivers who cannot resist the temptations to look at their phones should keep them in their trunks while driving.