Numerous Admorim Will Spend Shabbos in Boro Park

Numerous Admorim Will Spend Shabbos in Boro Park

YS Gold 

This Shabbos will see history marked in Boro Park as four Admorim will spend Shabbos here, and none of them will lead a tish on their own—rather they will participate in the davenings and tischen of Boro Park Admorim. 

The Zvehiller Rebbe is currently in America raising funds for his mosdos. He will spend Shabbos in Boro Park and join the tisch and tefillos in the court of his uncle, the Rachmastrivka Rebbe, shlit”a. 

The Skulener Rebbe of Lakewood is journeying to Boro Park for Shabbos, and will spend the Shabbos in the court of his brother, the Skulener Rebbe shlit”a. 

The Rachmastirvka Rebbe of Monsey will be a the guest of his mother, the old Rachmastrivka Rebbetzin, Tlit”a. He will join his brother, the Rachmastrivka Rebbe for all the tefillos and tischen. 

The Toldos Tzvi-Spinka Rebbe will be in Boro Park for the Shabbos Sheva brochos of his grandchildren. He will lead all the tefillos and tischen in the Karlsburger Beis Medrash. A sheva brochos will be held by the Boro Park chassidim on motzei Shabbos.

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