New Yorkers 30 and Up are Eligible for Vaccination on Tuesday, 16 and Up: April 6

Tomorrow, New Yorkers who are 30 years of age and up are now eligible to make appointments to get vaccinated, and next week, on April 6, New Yorkers who are 16 and older will be able to get their shots.
In addition, eligible escorts of New Yorkers who are 75 and older can get vaccinated together, without appointments, at three 24/7 mass vaccination sites: Brooklyn Army Terminal, Bathgate and Citi Field.
Although President Joe Biden promised that all American adults would be eligible for vaccination by May 1, Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s announcement today beats that deadline of universal adult eligibility for vaccination by one month.
Dave A. Chokshi, MD, New York City’s Health Commissioner, has long advised adults 18 and up to take whichever of the three Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved vaccines: Moderna, Pfizer, or Johnson and Johnson, is readily available.
The latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, however, recommends that those 16 to 18, only take the vaccine made by Pfizer, which was the only one of the three FDA- approved vaccines to enroll minors in its trials.
"Today we take a monumental step forward in the fight to beat COVID," Gov. Cuomo said today. "New York will double down on making the vaccine accessible for every community to ensure equity: particularly for communities of color who are too often left behind.
“We can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but until we get there it is more important than ever for each and every New Yorker to wear a mask, socially distance and follow all safety guidelines."
As of Monday, 30% of New Yorkers had received at least one dose, while nearly 17% of the state's population is fully vaccinated. In the New York City, 15% of residents have gotten both shots, and 27% have gotten least one shot.
“We do expect a major boost in the federal supply soon,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said today. “That's going to allow us to get to whole new levels and move this thing forward. We are well on our way to our goal 5 million New Yorkers fully vaccinated by June.
(Photo: Don Pollard/Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo)