New York Police Departments Have Issued a Warning Against Leaving Vehicles Unattended at Car Washes

by M.C. Millman
Carjackers have been making a clean getaway by stealing luxury cars from car washes.
The warning comes after three car wash related car heists occurred just last week in Westchester County.
On Monday, February 13, at 1 p.m., police reported that a passenger wearing black gloves, a mask, and a hood got out of a blue BMW after it drove up to Diamond Car Wash in Mamorneck. He immediately stole a newly washed, unattended BMW X5 with the keys left in the ignition allowing him to make a quick getaway. The stolen vehicle was later recovered in Queens after its plates had been replaced with stolen plates.
Eight hours later, Pelham Manor Car Wash in the Village of Pelham Manor reported a similar carjacking, and the next day, on Tuesday, a third car was driven away at around 3:45 p.m. from Dip-In Car Wash in Mamaroneck.
Police believe the three thefts are all part of an organized ring and that car wash users should beware. Drivers should especially look out for car wash locations offering an easy getaway route close to a highway entrance.
Other recommendations by the NYPD are to keep your vehicle in site at all times and to have the car wash attendant turn off the car and return the keys prior to having the car dried.
Photo Credit: Flickr