New Vinderkind On Shelves Now

By Idy Perl
With the new month of Iyar comes the much-anticipated new edition of the Vinderkind magazine and USB. This edition, like all Vinderkind editions, is jam packed with reading and audio content delivered by top notch singers and storytellers.
The Iyar edition, packed with content to keep your children busy for hours, features:
Track 1: When a Vinderkind listener left a message on our voicemail by mistake, it led to a thought-provoking discussion.
Track 2: The story of Dovid and Golias, complete with meforshim, acted and narrated by beloved actors.
Track 3: A new fascinating story by the well-known storyteller and mechanech Harav Zalman Leib Frankel from London.
Track 4: Vinderkind visits M’tzilei Eish, the fire station in Kiryas Yoel, to hear from their fire chief Yosef Blumenthal about fire, firefighting, and their preparations for Lag Baomer.
Track 5: A beautiful production to teach children how to be responsible, recorded by the children of Yaldei Chein.
Track 6: The Farher: Come along to hear storyteller R’ Matisyahu Green farher children and learn some halachos along the way… accompanied by the parrot!
Track 7: Missing The Bus: A powerful hashgacha pratis story about a trip to Meron, told by Shimon Yoel Klein, with a game for listeners to play as they follow the story.