New ‘Vinderkind’ on Shelves Now

YS Gold
With the new month of Teivis comes a spectacular new edition of the Vinderkind magazine and USB, on store shelves now. This edition—like all Wunderkind packages—is jam-packed with content for reading and listening., delivered by top-notch singers and storytellers.
It is no wonder that the product has taken the world of the Tinnokos Shel Bais Rabban by storm.
The Teivis edition, packed with content promising to keep your child busy for many many hours, featuring:
1. Four Seasons: The beauty of Hashem's world, the four seasons, sung with heart and melody.
2. Shimshon Play: Continuing the history of Klal Yisroel, this edition with a play of Shimshon Hagibor.
3. Reb Motel: The storyteller R' Yoel Shamo with a dramatic story about the mystery Reb Motel.
4. Vinderkind in Mitzrayim: In these weeks when we learn about the Yiden in Mitzrayim, Vinderkind's traveler Moshe Klein takes us on a trip to Mitzrayim with a live report for our readers and listeners.
5. Mess-up Chanukah event: A humorous play of a Chanukah party that went off-track in every detail of the night.
6. Dont Say It! A beautiful song that teaches about good middos, by the Pirchei Shir Vshevach.
7. The Badchin: Travel along with a renowned storyteller as he teaches - in gramen- about common halochos, pertinent in daily life.
8. Quiz Game: An intresting game, to be played while listening to the CD, to sharpen the Yiddish kup.
Grab your edition of Vinderkind today, and enrich the lives of your children all month!
Call 718.517.8310 or visit