New Temporary Belz Yeshiva Gedola Opens

A temporary Yeshiva Gedola for Belzer bochrim opened yesterday in Boro Park.
The Yeshiva rented a building at 38th Street and 15th Avenue with the bracha of the Belzer Rebbe Shlita.
The Belzer Rebbe also gave a bracha to the bochrim that they should have siyata d'shmaya and be matzliach in their learning as well as a bracha to the parents of the bochrim that they should have nachas and simcah from the kedusha of the bochrim who are learning.
The yeshiva is led by HaDayan HaRav R Moshe Shteisil and HaDayan HaRav Sender Rechnitzer Shlita. This was set up for the bucherim that couldn't go back to Israel to Yeshiva due to the COVID-19 restrictions Israel has for foreign students.