New Shul Opening in Boro Park - Khal Adas Chasidim

Neighborhood residents will be celebrating a new Shul that is opening for this Shabbos - Parshas Boi - at 5723 18th Avenue, under the leadership of Harav Yoel Friedman Shlit”a.
The Shul, called Khal Adas Chasidim, will celebrate the opening with a big Kidush Shabbos morning after Davening, which is set to start at 9:20.
There will also be a Minyan for Mincha and Kabulas Shabbos on Friday night as well as Mincha and Shalosh Seudes on Shabbos afternoon.
Following Maariv there will be a Seder Avis Ubonim for a half hour and then raffles and prizes for the kids.