New Sefer Torah Commemorates 50 Pure Souls Niftar in Youth

New Sefer Torah Commemorates 50 Pure Souls Niftar in Youth

YS Gold 

Last week Sunday evening found an historic gathering in Boro Park, the likes of which has never been held before, as parents, grandparents, and siblings of neshomos who have departed this world in their youth gathered to pay them tribute through the writing of a special sefer Torah. 

It was a project that was years in the making, as the parents of these precious neshomos—who keep up with each other regularly with chizuk to navigate the excruciating pain of loss—worked for years to present their departed children with this commemorative zechus. 

One organizer of the sefer Torah project explained how the idea came into being. “Following the passing of my daughter, I looked for zechusim that I could do for her neshomoh. There were people who were extremely supportive to me following the passing of my daughter, and I saw the dearth of support for men who were suffering quietly, who must support their wives and children even as they suffer with their own pain and loss. So I started a men’s support group… and it is from this group that the sefer Torah idea came to fruition.” (Fathers who are going through this very painful nisoyon can reach out for support by contacting the OurTapestry support group or by sending an email to

The project galvanized the parents in a way that no one could have foreseen. “Even parents who have already dedicated sifrei Torah to the memory of their own children came on board this incredible project—simply because they wanted to be a part such a special project. 

The energy in the room, and the joy of Torah, was palpable. Families who lost what is most precious to them danced and danced with joy and emunah… the presence of their children hovering above the ballroom. 

“It felt like we were dancing at the wedding that our children could never have,” related one emotional father. “Joining together with parents who have experienced similar pain and loss, to dedicated a Sefer Torah to our pure children, was the greatest tribute to their memories that we could ever think of.” 

Another parent who had a sizable role in organizing the Sefer Torah project exclaimed that the celebration was “beyond anything I could ever have imagined.” 

The Sefer Torah will make its way to various shuls and batei midrash who are in need of a Sefer Torah, finding a welcome home in outposts around the community. 

And as holy Yidden will lain from this Torah, the letters and words will surely float upwards, joining the precious and holy neshomos in surrounding the kisei hakovod.

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