New Condos will Make Nice Addition to Flourishing 30’s

YS Gold
The 30’s streets at the lower avenues are a flourishing part of Boro Park, with construction booming throughout the area—and the “center” of Boro Park that we have known is now expanding to this area.
One example is the magnificent Belzer Talmud Torah which was recently completed on 38th Street. The Rachmastrivka Talmud Torah is another beautiful edifice right in that area, and Ezra Medical Center serves many residents of the area and beyond.
Many families who have moved into the recently-completed “Culver El” housing which was developed by Agudath Israel tell us that this is, “a perfect neighborhood with every necessity available right in the area.”
Indeed, with all the shopping available right on 13th Avenue, this area is truly city life at its best.
There have also been a few new residential developments in this neighborhood, all of which have quickly sold out to residents eager to be a part of this thriving part of town.
Amid this comes the news of the 1252 38th Street, a luxury condominium going up in the heart of that area, alongside an existing development which is already inhabited by many young families.
BoroPark24 spoke with the developer of the project who explained that this condominium is especially suitable for young, heimishe families looking to set down roots in the Boro Park community. “Each one of the units will have a porch designed for kosher sukkah, a spacious dining room, dinette and kitchen area—exactly what heimishe families are looking for,” he said.
With completion slated for the spring of 2024, this project will soon, too, be sold out, making it a nice addition to this thriving area of Boro Park.