National Grid Issues Urgent Request to Residents to Reduce Natural Gas Usage

National Grid Issues Urgent Request to Residents to Reduce Natural Gas Usage

BoroPark24 Staff

As a result of the present extreme temperatures resulting in increased energy demand and unexpected interstate pipeline disruptions, National Grid has requested assistance from Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and Long Island residents to prevent potential natural gas outages by reducing their consumption until this evening.

National Grid claims that owners of natural gas pipelines have reported equipment problems caused by the cold weather and the heavy demand for natural gas are challenging their ability to provide adequate amounts of gas throughout the Northeast.

Suggestions from National Grid to safely reduce usage include turning the thermostat down five degrees at home and to 60 degrees if one is not at home or for businesses.

The utility company further suggests avoiding using gas fireplaces, clothes dryers, and other appliances that use gas, which is not critical to safety or health for the short term.

In a tweet Governor Kathy Hochul joined the call in urging gas conservation, "Due to extreme cold & increased demand, @ConEdison & @nationalgridus are urging customers to conserve natural gas — if safe to do so — through tomorrow afternoon. Set thermostats to a lower, comfortable temperature & use large appliances only as needed."

photo credit: Flickr

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