Musical Equipment Worth Thousands Recovered in Shomrim Action

Boro Park - A Shomrim undertaking ranging from Boro Park to Queens recovered equipment worth thousands of dollars that was stolen from a musician last week.
A widely used one-man band artist was taking a delivery last Monday night at his house on 14th Ave. and 54th Street when a thief took advantage of the open door to make off with computer and audio equipment worth around $7,000. The musician filed a police report and then called Shomrim, which dispatched a team to his home.
A Shomrim member tracked down a likely suspect and discovered that he worked at a store on the same block and was recently laid off his job. At first the suspect denied taking the money but when pushed on it, he confessed to the theft. The suspect promised to bring in the money on Thursday but did not show up.
The next morning, the Shomrim member called the admitted thief and threatened to publicize his deed unless he immediately returned the stolen goods. The robber agreed to return it. The Shomrim member arrived at the suspect’s house in Queens and picked up the stolen goods.