More Drones in the Sky or More Eyes on the Sky? New NYPD Commissioner Weighs In

More Drones in the Sky or More Eyes on the Sky? New NYPD Commissioner Weighs In

By Y.M. Lowy

Reports of drone sightings in New York City have increased recently, but the NYPD says the actual number of drones flying in the city has stayed the same. The rise in reports is partly due to heightened media coverage and people being more watchful, not necessarily more drones in the sky.

This situation mirrors the “red car theory,” which suggests that when you buy a red car, you suddenly start seeing them everywhere. The theory highlights how our attention shifts when we’re more aware of something, leading us to notice it more often, even though it has always been there.

Rebecca Weiner, the NYPD’s deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism, explained that the media and social media have made people more alert, leading to more reports. “If you see something, say something,” Weiner advised but added that not all reports are about something unusual.

Despite the rise in reports, the NYPD says all drone-related incidents in the city so far have been regular activities. While some sightings remain unclear, the NYPD is warning residents not to investigate drones on their own, as it could create safety risks.

The NYPD encourages people to stay alert but reminds everyone that many of these sightings are probably just everyday activity.

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