Met Council providing Masbia with a Boost in Food Reserves for 2021

Since the beginning of the pandemic Masbia has been dealing with a 500% increase in demand making it extremely challenging to just simply keep up with demand. Food inventory has been taken to the brink every couple of days. Met Council will be providing a much needed boost for the New Year by delivering a large volume of food to Masbia to act as a long-term insurance against volatility from other food supply sources and assist Masbia with its ongoing efforts to be a first line of support for so many hungry New Yorkers. In October, Masbia Soup Kitchen Network transitioned into 24 hour service in order to keep up with the demand. The Metropolitan Council of Jewish Poverty, aka Met Council, has been making food infusions into the Masbia supply inventory at the end of December to ensure that Masbia can keep up with the pace in 2021.