Memory Lane: Reb Moshe Stoll

A great philanthropist and talmid chochom in Boro Park of yore was Reb Moshe Stoll of Congregation Shomrei Emunah. Today, we take a glimpse into his life.
The Ratzker Iluy
In Talpios, a journal edited by Rav Shmuel Kalman Mirsky (Rov of Young Israel of Boro Park) he pays tribute to Reb Moshe Stoll, and provides an overview of his life: “An uncommon presence in the streets of New York. Although he made his living from the sale of threads and packaging materials, he lived in the spiritual world. Wisdom illuminated his countenance... He was a talmid of Volozyn, who was known there as the Iluy of Ratzk, his hometown. When he was four years old, he fasted and davened that he should grow to be a talmid chochom. His prayers were answered; as all of Shas and the Tosafos, Rishonim and acharonim were secure in his memory.
“In 1892, he came to America. In 1898, he married Hinde, the daughter of Rav Hirschowitz, on the condition that she would enable him to remain dedicated to learning. She held her side of the bargain; their home was a gathering place for talmidei chachomim. In one of the chumashim with the peirush Ha’amek Dovor, with the following inscription: ‘Upon the request of habachur hachorif, Moshe from Ratzk, who is now returning frm the yeshiva in Volozyn, I am sending these chumashim to his father, Hanogid Hamuflag, Avrohom Yitzchok Stolovosky, and may he learn from them with a clear mind, as per the wishes of their author, Naftoli Tzvi Yehuda Berlin.’”
Torah and Yiras Shomayim
The influences of the Torah world of his youth never left him, and he endeavored to recreate that spirit on the barren American shores—despite the numerous obligations of his thriving business. An example of this philosophy was transmitted by the legendary Irving Bunim.
“I once heard Reb Moshe Stoll, one of the great scholars of our age, apply this insight (Chazal’s exhortation for yiras Shomayim to precede wisdom) to the upbringing of children: Fear of sin must precede wisdom. A basic consciousness of G-d must come before the knowledge of Judaism…”
50 Books
Further evidence of Reb Moshe’s love of Torah—and how he retained the sweetness for Torah learning from his days in Volozyn—is found on the pages of Biurei Reuven, by Reb Reuven Agushevitz, another Talmid Chochom who found his place between the pews of Shomrei Emunah, who quoted numerous chidushim was his friend, and fellow mispalel in Shomrei Emunah.
Peter Wiernick, editor of Der Morgen Zhournal died in the 1936. The newspapers reported on his bequest of his library of Seforim to RIETS, “with his friend Moshe Stoll receiving the choice of any fifty volumes that he wishes.”
Reb Moshe’s name was synonymous with Torah throughout his decades in America, and his close to four decades in Boro Park. Writes Rabbi Mirsky: “His love for Torah sheb’al peh knew no bounds. He did not do much in business, only what was necessary. When a client would tell him that he buying from him due to his adherence to Shabbos, he refused to sell.... not wishing to benefit from keeping Shabbos, desiring to do the mitzvah with pure intentions.”
He was predeceased by a young daughter, in 1912, and by his wife Hinde, who passed away one year prior to his departure from this world on 29 Kislev, 1948, following decades of ahavas haTorah in Boro Park of yesteryear