Me’or Hatefillah Acquires Additional Lot Amid Kehilah’s Continued Growth

YS Gold
On Friday afternoon, Khal Me’or Hatefillah, which is led by Rav Yosef Paneth, took the pivotal step of closing on a property adjoining their current Shul on 20th Avenue. This move comes after close to two years of planning for the best way to expand this burgeoning makom Torah utefillah.
This is the third expansion that the kehillah is undertaking.
Khal Me’or Hatefilla is renowned in Boro Park for its emphasis on spiritual growth—with numerous daily shiurim that are attended by its hundreds of members—and the rov’s positive influence in the lives of every one of its hundreds of families.
“There are many stages that will need to be taken,” one of the askonim familiar with the events told BoroPark24. Among the priorities are a brand-new entrance and communal area, an expanded women’s section, a heichal Hatorah, and a state-of-the-art mikvah to serve this growing community.