Mayor Visits Boro Park Admorim in Advance of New Year

by YS Gold
Mayor Eric Adams visited with the Admorim of Munkatch and Bobov-45 as the new year approaches to wish them, their kehillos, and the entire Boro Park community a sweet new year.
Sitting with the Munkatcher Rebbe, along with a delegation of askonim, he thanked the Rebbe for his support during the last election and wished him a good year.
On his way to see the Admor of Bobov-45, the mayor surveyed the massive construction site for the Rebbe’s new shul, and later told the Rebbe that he hopes to soon visit the completed edifice.
Here too, he wished the Rebbe a good year, and the Rebbe gifted him a jar of honey, concluding a pleasant evening for Mayor Eric Adams in Boro Park.
photos by: Dovid Y. Jaroslawicz, Hillel Lichetenstein