Mayor Promises Continued Strong Police Presence Throughout Yom Tov

by Yehudit Garmaise
When the NYPD had increased retirements and fewer members last fall, as the Police Academy was not able to graduate several classes due to COVID, the police presence throughout Yom Tov was not particularly strong, however, this week, Boro Parkers saw many police officers patrolling Boro Park.
When BoroPark24 asked Mayor Bill de Blasio this morning whether Boro Park can expect to continue to see a strong police presence until Simchas Torah, which is at the end of September, they mayor replied, “Yes, absolutely.”
“We want that focused presence to protect Jewish communities,” Mayor de Blasio said. “This is a very crucial time of year for the Jewish community, but also a sensitive time, when we have to provide that protection.
“We will be doing that in communities all over the city.”
The mayor’s supportive words are especially welcome in light of the FBI’s recent report that of all religious groups: Jews continue to receive the highest number of hate crimes perpetrated against them.
When BoroPark24 asked the mayor what impact he felt the many mischaracterizations and flat-out lies about Jews that currently air on television have on the large number of hate crimes that are launched against Jewish communities, the mayor did not address the “reality shows” and other fictions that spread falsehoods, but he did say, “There is a lot of anti-Semitism in this world, a lot of anti-Semitism in Western nations, where it should have been eradicated.
“It is a threat to the Jewish communities. We have to be vigilant at all times.”
Mayor de Blasio remembered thinking, during a visit to Yad Vashem in Yersushalyim, “how the cancer of anti-Semitism and the violence that comes from it was never eradicated after World War II, despite a lot of nice words telling us that we had turned a corner in Western nations.
“It wasn’t true. The remnants of fascism and Nazism reasserted themselves in many ways and the nativism we are seeing in this country now in combination with other malevolent forces.”
However, the mayor said, “We can’t give up hope of overcoming it.
“We have to overcome it. I do think, with each new generation, we have more opportunity to create a world without prejudice and bias.
“That is the work we are doing every day to educate our young people, and I am hopeful about that.“
Photo by: Ed Reed/Mayoral Photography Office.