Mayor de Blasio Names Recovery Czar to Coordinate City’s Efforts to Recovery

As part of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s efforts to supercharge the recovery of New York City, he named Lorraine Grillo as his senior advisor to head the effort.
One of Grillo’s roles will be to lead a weekly war room meeting “that will include all the deputy mayors, key agencies, key figures here at City Hall, who will be constantly determining what it is going to take to move the recovery forward,” said the mayor, who added that Grillo would be coordinating everyone’s efforts.
“I am going to refer to Grillo as our recovery czar because what she has to do is really pull these strands together and then do the work with all of the members of the New York City community: stakeholders of all kinds to keep that agenda moving,” the mayor said. “We have a lot to do.”
Grillo brings her decades of experience after serving at the School Construction Authority since 1994 and its president since 2010, where she is known for her victories in starting pre-K, bringing back schools quickly after Hurricane Sandy, and empowering and supporting minority and women-owned businesses and school construction authority.
“Lorraine Grillo is so respected in this city for the work she has done over decades to build this city up in so many ways,” the mayor said.
In her new position, Grillo will coordinate all the city’s efforts to “make sure our recovery is felt in every borough, every neighborhood, and every block,” Mayor de Blasio said today.
“As we start to leave COVID behind, the name of the game is a recovery for all of us,” said the mayor, who described a “sense of urgency” at City Hall to bring the city back. “That means a recovery where everyone benefits. We do not want to recreate a status quo of inequality and disparity. We want a recovery that is strong, vibrant, and back to where it was and then some, in terms of economic activity and people’s livelihoods, people’s incomes. But we need to do it better and fairer.”
Credit: Ed Reed/Mayoral Photography Office.