Mashpia Rav Nachman Biderman, shlit”a, in Boro Park for Shabbos

Mashpia Rav Nachman Biderman, shlit”a, in Boro Park for Shabbos

Shabbos parshas Toldos will find the mashpiah, Rav Nachman Biderman in Boro Park.

 A scion of the Lelover dynasty, and the brother of the mashpiah Rav Meilech Biderman, Rav Nachman is a sought after darshan for his inspiration and his fiery Torah. These qualities have drawn a large following who are uplifted through his avodah and his divrei Torah.

 He will conduct a shalosh seudos tish in Pardes Leah (located in Beis Yaakov of Boro Park) on Shabbos afternoon—an event that is sure to attract large crowds wishing to be uplifted and inspired. 

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